Thursday, 30 December 2010

Email Action!

With thanks to board member RKDS over at the WHO North America forum for giving me this idea, below are the contact detais for the majority of the important players in regards to deciding what product lines might be profitable.

Please take the time to fill in the forms on these various sites and just let them know you would be interested in buying Blake's 7 figures.

Character Options

B7 Media

Underground Toys

Forbidden Planet

Forbidden Planet International

BBC Worldwide

Thanks and good luck!

2011 - A Blake's 7 Odyssey?

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and I'd like to wish you all a very Happy New Year!

Let's hope we can make 2011 the year when we see well crafted, beautifully made Blake's 7 figures produced. Anyone who is familiar with the Dr Who figure releases will be aware of the 11 Doctors Box Set
It's my hope that eventually we could see four releases similar to this for Blake's 7, one for each season.

So Series 1 Box Set could be:
Federation Trooper

Series 2:
Crew plus
Season 2 Travis
Season 2 Servalan
Countdown Rebel Trooper

and so on. Leaving a Liberator playset, a Scorpio playset and a collect and build Orac!

We can dream I suppose, or maybe we can do more than that!

Have a good one!

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Well Hello There!

and welcome to my weblog.

Now you're here because either you are a fan of the legendary BBC 70's sci-fi series Blake's 7. Or you are a collector who is familiar with the amazing Character Options Doctor Who range of figures. Both the classic and Nu-Who figures are produced to such an amazing level of quality and detail, that fans of the timelord are beyond spoilt.

It's the aim of this site to raise awareness with Character Options and the BBC and also the estate of B7 creator Terry Nation that there is a huge market for Blake's 7 figures from across all four seasons of the classic series!

Please send a short message of support either to here or to with your name and if possible, your email address and these will be forwarded to character options in the hope that we cn bring about even a limited run of figures of the only true classic bbc sci fi series to go untapped so far.

Thanks for your support!